

Reuven – My Child

After five years of matrimony, Osvaldo and I wanted to have children. I had an allergy problem to drugs and anesthesia, and could become crippled from their effect on my body; I was advised not to bear children. Only after a long and expensive treatment, I could become pregnant. Osvalso and I (Kesia) are from Brazil, we made an ‘aliyah’ in 1998, and after five years of adaptation in Israel, I became pregnant. The doctor informed me that the pregnancy was going well and the tests were turning out well. I was delighted that the pregnancy was going well. One evening I felt strange pains, I came home and ran to the bathroom. I saw blood! We went to the gynecologist and he detected a urinary infection. The doctors recommended absolute rest at home; I started to take antibiotics then. On the day of completing the 24th week of pregnancy, I woke up with a terrible pain in my back. So we went to the hospital. I was assisted by 15 doctors and four nurses, and in 9 cm of dilation. I was very afraid. There were indications of a normal birth, but the doctors did not give me any medicine due to the unknown condition of my baby. Reuven was born in 10 minutes, weighing only 680g and measuring 22 cm. So little and fragile, surprising everyone with his strong cry. He was placed in my arms for only a few seconds, and I cried. He was then taken to the Neonatal Intensive Therapy Unit. They took me to the surgery room because the placenta was not complete. They told me that Reuven is stable, but the first 24 hours are very critical. Meanwhile, I was in the hospital, still under the effect of general anesthesia. I couldn’t walk for five days; feelings of frustration and fear were inside of me. I did not understand why our Lord allowed us to go through so much pain, yet the answers came later, with time. After five days of hospitalization, I returned home. My battle was just beginning. While our questions were answered by the doctors in the ITU room, I was shocked to see my son so small in the incubator. Connected to wires, tubes, and monitors.

These were the most intense days of suffering in my life. I had to be strong for Reuven, but there were moments of deep pain and anguish that I cannot explain. We were with him every day. Talking to him, singing to him, praying and those moments we felt his reactions. My son needed us, and we needed him. Reuven was recovering very slowly; he had days of ups and downs. I could not breastfeed him, and he took my milk through a tube. The first day I could take him in my arms was a celebration! I was overjoyed. He was hospitalized for a total of four months and fifteen days. On June 10, the pediatrician told me it was time to prepare to go home. I screamed out the news to the world! God is faithful, and kept His promise! On June 16, 2003, Reuven came home. Osvaldo and I left the hospital crying, carrying our baby, now four months old looking as if he had just been born. At home, there were difficult times and tension, because of the oxygen machine and the monitor. We were confused, with so many obstacles, but doing our best to take care of him. My mother and sister helped me so much God provided everything.

Because of slower development in relation to other children, Reuven needs a team of doctors and professionals to accompany him through life. Today we can say that he is in good health and is developing well! Thank God! Reuven is today six years old. He is a fighter. A fighter since he was in my womb! And He is a winner! Hallelujah!