
Post Abortion
Stress Syndrome


These poems were written by mothers and other family relations to the aborted babies

Tom and Derech – My Little Babies

What can I tell you after the dust of these years? Which words will I find within me I will seek His face… I will search within me… Umbilical Cord That is still waiting… since I never said “goodbye” Cruel and merciless hand And the hand is mine Your mother’s

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In the silence of death Where a cry was not heard A voice of a child arose As if from a far far land The voice grew deeper Sinking into me with all its volume When this voice found me it Began to become real Full of joy Laughing bells

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Choose Life

Broken pieces of children Who will hear their cry? Amongst the discarded rubbish lie Our arms, our legs. Our bits of head. Please hear our silent cry. I did not ask to be conceived, But I was God’s gift to you, I wanted to be held by a mother, A

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