

Healing and Freedom

During my military service, I became pregnant. The decision to have an abortion was a very easy one. It seemed like the only solution at that time. I was a “good girl”, had my life ahead of me, and was not going to let the pregnancy destroy my life. So I had an abortion, and instead, it was the abortion that ended up destroying my life. I went through years of feeling guilt, of feeling shame. Years of crying every time abortion was mentioned next to me. I even went through a period of making little cuts on myself. I enjoyed that dull pain. I truly hated what I did.

When I became a believer, I asked God for forgiveness for this sin. I know he forgave me. The problem was, that I never forgave myself. I kept on blaming myself, hating myself, and not being able to put it behind me and move on with my life. I was keeping that area away from God. Not letting Him heal me. Not willing to totally surrender.

Then I attended the seminar. For a few weeks, we addressed all those feelings we kept buried for so long. It was painful, but I could see how little by little, we dug deeper and deeper and revealed all those pains and feelings that were unaddressed for so long. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was actually free; I felt that I moved on; I finally gave that area to God, and allowed him heal me completely.

Now I am on a totally different path in my life. I am working full time for a ministry, and seeing all the amazing things that God is doing in my life and others around me. For the first time, I can say that I am truly free and happy.