Sveta’s Story of Freedom

The Samaritan woman went back to the people of Shechem, to tell them about the One Who knew everything back to about her, so Sveta is coming to the Old Bus Station in Tel Aviv to share with the women about The One Who touched her life, and changed her completely. This is her story. […]
Beauty for Ashes: Traci’s Journey

As a child, I experienced sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. I became rebellious and a partaker of risky behavior. I made many bad decisions, one being to trust a man to help me escape what I was experiencing at home. I believed his promises and left with him only to find myself used to transport […]
The story of Olga a human trafficking victim from Uzbekistan

When Olga (alias name) gave birth to her baby, a social worker from Tel Aviv called me and asked me to come and visit her in the hospital. When I arrived, I was told that Olga had abandoned her baby and run away, back to the part of town where prostitution and drugs are rife. […]
The Story of Anya, a Human Trafficking Victim from Ukraine

Anya told us that ten years ago she met an intelligent and very impressive woman who offered her a job in Israel as a caretaker for a salary of 1000 dollars a month. Anya came to the Land through Egypt with another friend. For six days, they walked from Egypt to Israel; on the way, […]
Elizabeth’s Story

I was addicted to heroin and cocaine for nearly 12 years and most of that time I was a prostitute on the streets or working in cars. During the world war, my father and his family were interned in a Japanese concentration camp, the men apart from the women. At the end of the war […]