


I had two abortions in the space of one year when I was 16 and 17 years old. God opened a door for me to receive deeper ministry in this area of my life. I was 36 and suffering from Post Abortion Syndrome. God led me to go through a healing seminar program and this was to be a life-changing encounter for me.

You see, I knew on the surface that I had been forgiven by God for my abortions, but deep down inside my heart, I never truly believed this; I was also carrying a tremendous amount of pain, guilt, and shame, along with un-forgiveness towards myself and as I found out later, towards others too.

This program was an excellent, scripturally based, counseling and teaching tool in that it sensitively and gently helped me face the pain of the abortions and see just how much God wanted to set “this captive free” and truly know His forgiveness and love. It was also particularly helpful that the program not only focused on the wonderful character of God, but also used key biblical characters such as David and Paul, to help further illustrate God’s unconditional love, mercy, and faithfulness towards His creation; He is a faithful and forgiving God, no matter how great the sin!

One of the hardest things that I have struggled with was actually forgiving myself, but over time God has patiently and graciously helped me do this. I would encourage every woman who has had an abortion to do a program such as this because it provides a wonderful opportunity to help one come to terms with the loss and receive God’s powerful healing from the emotional, mental, and physical scars of abortion. It also brings one into the secure knowledge that she is forgiven and unconditionally loved by an amazing, heavenly Father and that one day, she will see her child/children again.