

Help from Over the Ocean

Adi, the mother of three children, became pregnant again, three years after the bankruptcy of her husband’s firm. During these years the family had lived very poorly. The couple agreed that under the circumstances they couldn’t afford a fourth child.

One day, as she was deep in these controversial thoughts, walking in a street in Tel Aviv, someone put a leaflet in her hand. She gave a glance at it, it explained why abortion was wrong, and it encouraged everyone to choose life! She burst into tears and phoned immediately to the number which she found in the leaflet, telling all about her heavy affliction. After the conversation, she knew that abortion was out of the question for her.

She came to understand that financial difficulties are not a reason to kill her baby.

In this way, she found a connection with the Chaim Beshefa organization, through which her situation became known to a Canadian women’s group.

One day Adi got a surprise; a letter from over the ocean. In this letter coming from Canada, she read about a women’s group, which had heard about her and her family and prayed for them. They sent a gift for her and her family. Adi couldn’t but be in awe thinking about the exact timing and care of God, through which the whole family was encouraged to continue on the right path forward. This time the tears were of joy! Soon help and support started coming from inside Israel as well.

Today the whole family rejoices over the new family member, a beautiful baby girl, who has brought a great blessing to the whole family.